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Samsung goes Gangnam Style.

Over the past few months, Gangnam Style has taken the world by storm, becoming (to some people) one of the most annoying one hit wonders. Samsung has decided to jump on the Psy train by bringing the internet sensation to Canada for the first time to help in the release of the Samsung Galaxy Note II Smartphone hitting the market on October 30th.


This is an exclusive event, where you cannot buy your way into the event:

“Instead, if you like Samsung Canada’s Facebook page, you can get one of the 175 pairs of tickets being given away each day all week. Also, don’t forget to dress classy and dance cheesy if you’re one of the lucky winners.”

As for the cell phone, sales will begin at Bell, Telus, Rogers, Mobilicity, Videotron, and SaskTel starting on Tuesday.


Ladies, we all know that you want your man to smell like this man. Gentlemen, we all know that you want to smell like this man… Or at least that is what Old Spice went with when coming up with one of the world’s best Social Media campaigns of 2010. I realize that this is not a current campaign, but I feel that it should be mentioned as the execution on the campaign was done flawlessly.

Old Spice decided to take their body wash sales to the next level by responding to consumers through YouTube. Over the span of three (3) days, Old Spice produced 180 responses to consumers questions. These videos drove views and website traffic through the roof, leading to the eventual #1 All Time Most Viewed Branded Channel on Youtube. Here are some of the other Social Media results of this campaign:

  • The old spice twitter following increased 2700% 
  • Facebook fan interaction was up 800%
  • website traffic was up 300%

The responses done for the consumers were phenomenal. They were personalized while being entertaining.  Below is one of the responses to a consumer.

I feel that the approach worked beyond well. They incorporated interaction, while taking it to the next level. Normally people chat back and forth on different Platforms, while Old Spice created 180 video responses for the consumers questions and requests. That shows dedication. Besides, they decided to incorporate the man every woman  loves, and every man wanted to be. The Old Spice Man.

Are you surprised this campaign had such a heavy response? Would you have done anything differently?

Link for Case Study:…

Social media has been known to make an impact through advertisers of major organizations. A  social issue that made a disturbing impact was the Timeline for an Anti-Drug campaign. The purpose of the campaign was to make Facebook users aware of the consequences of using drugs. Due to its disturbing images, the website quickly put a stop to the guerilla campaign because it was make users feel uncomfortable…. I feel that anyone whom was uncomfortable either has done drugs, or know someone who does them. It was a harsh reality consumers needed to see because it affects the lives of not just the user, but their friends and family around them.

Due to it being removed form Facebook, this link will take you to the YouTube showing you what the webpage had on it.

Would this kind of advertising/ social media strategy make you feel uncomfortable?

Alrighty, we all love media. Sure – we may not admit to it everyday because frankly, when we think of media one of the first thoughts that comes to mind is advertising. The harsh reality is that if we didn’t have media in our lives, we wouldn’t know the who, what, when, where, or how going on in the world.

So back to media. Are we actually in love with it, or are we in lust? Why is it that we now share more about our lives online than we do around everyday people we meet? When people are online, they can become themselves and more. Things can be exaggerated. People like you and I are subconsciously in lust with the thought of someone talking or thinking about us – it’s human nature. The checking of Facebook statuses, profiles, and updating what we are doing every single moment of the day are things that we do to become noticed. This thought process is what’s making consumers check Facebook and Twitter over 10 times a day. Yes – this media opens up conversation, but does it open up the right one?

Is there a line between media lust and media addiction? When does the harmless dose turn into  people stalking social media networks? Hours and hours spent on these sites daily, watching history feeds and keeping “up to date” on friends and families lives… How is it healthy?

For businesses, this unhealthy habit means lots of “Do, Re, Me”, as they can guarantee that certain people are going to be online for hours at a time, and if not hours several times a day checking for updates on the things that matter to them. That kind of traffic pays for its  as websites like Facebook are able to define niche markets beyond the normal age, gender, and ethnicity.

These tactics allow for proper social media strategies to be developed. Social networking websites ask for optional personal information to be shared when setting up profiles, and we as humans have absolutely no problem sharing that information. For those who are in love, in lust, or addicted to media, the major corporations thank you. Now they are able to take advertising and marketing to a whole new level due to how “social” social media and social networking is.